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March 16, 2010


leslie cranwill

Beautiful creations! And my banner was made from coffee filter...Pack of 100 from the dollar store :) I want that dress!

Julie Ann Shahin

Oops, sorry Leslie! I'll correct that fact. Thanks for letting me showcase your gorgeous creation.


Such eye candy and so inspirational. Those roses look so realistic!!


Inspiring as usual.....what a talented bunch at Bad Girls!!!


Love the dress. love the coffee filters..... LOVE all the creations!!!
I don't drink coffee at all, but now I seroisly consider buying some coffee filters!!!

Julie Ann Shahin

I know Finn, I don't drink coffee either! Thanks girls for visiting the blog. I hope you are inspired!


great idea. love this!

Melissa Mann

wowza!!!! I'll have to try this!! beautiful!

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I usually don�t post in Blogs but your blog forced me to, amazing work.. beautiful �


Never get enough. You are the man!

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